Monday, January 5, 2009

Chapter 1. Hide

Her legs were on fire, but if she slowed down, she knew it would be over. Just to the creek. Just to the creek. God I hope I can make it, she thought as her warm breath left brief icy puffs behind her. The full moon that peeped from the clouds shone behind her, lighting the snow before her for a split second, making the surrounding woods all the more ominous and foreboding.
It was snowing heavily, which didn't help the fact that she was wearing just a hospital gown with an oversized black coat and men's dress shoes. The barbed wire fence to her left that she was running alongside seemed to house a property that contained a large warehouse with what looked to be camouflaged hummers. I pray to God this snow is covering my trail, she thought as she heard the voices of the men and barking dogs behind her growing louder. She turned her head for a moment to see dark figures with flashlights that bobbed up and down in the distance as they chased after her. Her lungs felt as if they would burst in any second, but the rush of adrenaline and fear helped push her harder. Then she heard probably the most joyous sound in her life. The sound of trickling water.
The creek! She thought as she peered into the darkness before her, searching for the source of the sound. The sound grew louder, and she quickly found herself at the edge of what looked to be a small stream flowing into the property. The voices continued behind her. "We're gaining on her" she heard one of them say. She knew what she had to do if she wanted any chance of getting off the property. Flinging off her shoes, she proceeded to wade as quickly as she could upstream, mustering all of her energy to fight the shock of the cold water as her bare feet protested. The voices were even louder, and she estimated that they were no more than thirty yards away.
I don't think my feet can take much more of this creek, but I'll be damned and burned alive before they catch me...burning alive sounds good right about now though...her thoughts trailed as her feet began to give into numbness and shock. She spotted a tree that had a low-lying limb hanging over the creek and mustered up what little physical strength she had left to climb about six feet up into the tree. From there she could see the black figures panning out to pick up her quickly disappearing trail from the creek. "Can the dogs pick up any scent yet?" one of the men shouted from such a close distance it made hear heart pound in her throat. "Not yet" the second man replied. Concentrate she said internally as she furrowed her brows. She visualized the dogs going after the scent of her shoes, while trying to simultaneously will the energies of the event in her favor. She scanned the area astrally for any elementi that may be near, but none were, so she proceeded to coax the wind to keep her downwind of the dogs.
"Hold up, I think they found it" the second man chimed as the dogs began to tug on their leashes and bark in a different direction. Some of the men followed him but the rest remained and continued searching the woods. God please help me she prayed internally as the first man drew nearer. Hide she willed herself and compressed the energy from her body into a small, internal ball. Invisible, she willed herself with all her might. Although she would have given anything to actually become invisible, nothing physically happened. The man drew nearer, and it was evident that he would see her any second, since her legs and head were not only not concealed, but probably whiter than the snow itself.
A piece of bark close to where her foot was became loose and made a small noise as it detached from the limb and landed in the snow. The man, who was so close the patches on his uniform were almost legible, immediately turned and began investigating the tree as his light remained on the snow in search of any footprints. He looked up and she swore he made eye connection with her for a split second and she feared she was caught, but he continued to scan the other tree briefly and then proceeded to search the floor of the woods for any footprints.
She waited for several agonizing minutes as they re-grouped and continued to follow the fence away from her. Then she slowly stepped out of the tree and began to regroup herself. OK, there must be a road nearby leading into this place. If I can find the road I can find civilization and a freaking phone. She doubled back and proceed to search for a road. Bingo she grinned as she peered at a drive that was close to where she had escaped from a gap in the fence.

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